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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Forbes, Abigail J WL - Office of Investment Admin/Prof $ 30,082.24

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Forbes, Abigail FW - English and Linguist Faculty
Hunter, WL - Nursing Service
Ahmed, Azza FW - Health and Human Servi Resident
Ross, Karla WL - Center for Instructi Clerical
Conde, Maria WL - WL HLTP Housing Temporary Cler/Serv
Hamilton, John CAL - Campus Life and Dea Police Hourly
Davis, Lynn CAL - Graduate School Adm Limited Term Lect
Dudley, Nadine CAL - Graduate School Adm Support
Hawkins, CAL - Grad School Admin/Prof
Beineke, Lowell FW - Organizational Leade Fire/Police BW Sal
Padgett, FW - Organizational Leade Student

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