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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Horne, Aaron R WL - 4Mgmt Admin/Prof $ 51,074.41

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Horne, Aaron CAL - 1Behavior Sc Clerical
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Rook, Brian FW - English Student
Armstrong, Felicia WL - Heat and Power Adminis Limited Term Lect
Schwartz, Erin WL - Enrollment Mgmt Graduate Student
McMahan, Justin WL - Research Machine Ser Non-exempt Prof
Goller, Martha FW - Engineering and Techno Mgmt/Prof
Beltz, Jess CAL - 1Managerial Faculty
Zhang, Shichun WL - 4HumanDevFam Operations/Technical
Hopkins, Heather WL - 4PhysandAstr PAA/PRF/PolyTech
Sharkey, Judith WL - Registrar Professional

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