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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Allard, Sarah E WL - Aero & Astro Professional $ 53,102.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Allard, Sarah WL - Comparative Pathobio Faculty
Duke, Mary WL - Windsor Residence Ha Support
Smith, WL - Polytechnic Vincenne Fire/Police Admin
Schwaberow, Denise WL - 4Sociology Admin/Prof
Crowell, WL - Business Office Mana Continuing Lecturer
Widmar, WL - 4Stu Hlth Ct Mgmt/Prof
Parker, Stephen WL - Black Cultural Cente Clerical
Tracy, WL - 4Success Service
Smart, WL - 4SATT Post Doc Intern Res
Khalifah, WL - 4IT ERM Professional
Rossie, WL - Civil Engr Limited Term Lect

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