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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Brewer, Nicole F WL - IT Research Computin Professional $ 55,097.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Brewer, Nicole WL - College of Science A Faculty
Cottrell, CAL - English and Philoso Operations/Technical
Farrell, Kelley CAL - Physical Facilities Service
Weddle, Kellie Jones WL - Graduate School Admi Mgmt/Prof
Hale, Melissa WL - Agricultural Economi Limited Term Lecture
Norton, Ralph WL - Mechanical Engineeri Temporary
Malavenda, Kristin FW - Info Tech Clerical
pog, gayane WL - Building Services - Student
McClure, Janice WL - Office of Treasury O Admin/Prof
Dana, WL - IT Business Solution Post Doc
Reese, Pamela NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Limited Term Lect

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