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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Duncan, Daryl E WL - Capital Program Mana Professional $ 81,144.68

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Duncan, Daryl WL - School of Management Continuing Lecturer
Pouliot, WL - Vice President for H Faculty
Mitchell, Jason WL - Purdue University St Post Doc Intern Res
Novosel, CAL - EMSA Reporting Mgmt/Prof
Chapman, Nancy WL - Purdue University St Temporary
Farrell, Kelley WL - LD Temporary Cler/Serv
Bunch, Theresa WL - College of Agricultu Admin/Prof
Dickerson, Sara WL - College of Agricultu Graduate Student
Wark, Ronald WL - Enviro Service
McBride, William WL - 4PayrolllTax M/P Management
Kerns, Brandon WL - Human Dev/Fam Studie Post Doc

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