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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kanable, Christopher E WL - Mechanical Engineeri Service $ 33,465.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kanable, Christopher WL - Computer and Informa Service
Ellis, William CAL - School of Liberal A Mgmt/Prof
Asunda, Paul CAL - 1Registratn M/P Professional
Morehead, Charles WL - 4PolyKokomo Temporary Cler/Serv
Scacco, Joshua CAL - Grad School Temporary
Buller, Randall WL - 4TeachSucs Clerical
Norton, Matthew CAL - Behavioral Sciences Post Doc
Houston, Kyla WL - Registrar Admin/Prof
Wilker, Jonathan CAL - Mechanical Engineer Post Doc Intern Res
Brown, CAL - Building Services Professional
Myers, Vance WL - 4EnergyandCons faculty

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