Employee Group
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Number of people in Service Employee Group: 2471
Maximum Salary:$ 88,836.24
Average Salary:$ 27,933.83
Minimum Salary:$ 12.50

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 1 of 83
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Finney, Larry C WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 88,836.24
Post, Robert D WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 87,233.53
Morris, Neil G WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 84,898.25
Murray, Dennis J WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 84,407.93
Johnson, Jack WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 83,746.15
Slate, Jeremy L WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 83,146.69
Clark, Ryan B WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 80,805.04
Britton, Christopher T WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 79,717.40
Lofland, Richard A WL - 4DineCater Service $ 75,900.79
Wilson, Zachary R WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 75,858.25
Fix, Scott A WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 75,076.66
Deno, Randy J WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 74,852.34
Bunnell, Scott W WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 74,605.58
Crozier, Howard E WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 73,847.74
Myers, Vance R WL - 4HeatandPower Service $ 73,739.68
Laorange, Greg A WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 73,322.70
Gillespie, Robert W WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 72,885.01
Hemersbach, Jeffrey WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 72,433.73
Frye, Ryan T WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 71,424.87
Holley, Mark P WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 71,185.81
Jonker, Thomas M WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 70,988.39
Wilburn, Darryl L WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 70,105.04
Lemming, Terry R WL - 4Agronomy Service $ 69,969.97
Buchanan, Kenneth M WL - 4Interc Athl Service $ 69,812.57
Penman, Mark D CAL - 1Grounds Service $ 69,448.86
Plaspohl, Jeffrey L WL - 4Energy Mgmt Service $ 68,993.49
Bylund, Doug O WL - 4Op and Maint Service $ 68,965.99
Freels, Timothy M WL - 4Grounds WL Service $ 68,587.52
Musgrave, James E CAL - 1Maint Service $ 68,544.93
Bornino, Brian F WL - 4Interc Athl Service $ 68,516.50

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Warren, Aaron WL - 4ConsSci Limited Term Lect
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Boren, Glen WL - Vice President for H Mgmt/Prof

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