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Number of people in Mgmt/Prof Employee Group: 1303
Maximum Salary:$ 4,220,754.79
Average Salary:$ 98,548.39
Minimum Salary:$ 45.85

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 24 of 44
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wanders, Stephen P WL - 4COOP Mgmt/Prof $ 83,121.56
Lagoutchev, Alexei S WL - 4Birck Nano Mgmt/Prof $ 82,986.14
Terhune, Benjamin I WL - 4Procure Mgmt/Prof $ 82,940.58
Altstatt, Rosanne WL - 4Honors Mgmt/Prof $ 82,936.62
Patel, Amitkumar J WL - 4ITIS Mgmt/Prof $ 82,913.76
Dunn, Edward J WL - 4IT Cust Rel Mgmt/Prof $ 82,741.26
Watkins, Deborah L WL - 4Fin Aid Mgmt/Prof $ 82,519.14
Graves, Lisa M WL - 4Col of HHS Mgmt/Prof $ 82,344.36
White, Edward M WL - 4IN State Ch Mgmt/Prof $ 82,343.28
Brown, David B WL - 4ITAS Mgmt/Prof $ 82,276.80
Tolliver, Kirk A FW - 2HRandInstEqty Mgmt/Prof $ 82,090.38
Betten, John D WL - 4EM Strat In Mgmt/Prof $ 82,090.20
Reed, Janet M WL - 4Field Ext Mgmt/Prof $ 82,090.20
Hupke, Jennifer K CAL - 1Purch Gn Sv Mgmt/Prof $ 81,937.95
Davich, Philip C FW - 2AcctBud Mgmt/Prof $ 81,871.20
Haque, MD M WL - 4RCHE Mgmt/Prof $ 81,857.28
Greer, Justin E WL - 4ITSP Mgmt/Prof $ 81,851.97
Schultz, Doug WL - 4ECN Mgmt/Prof $ 81,796.50
Gaines, Daniel W WL - 4Mgmt Mgmt/Prof $ 81,715.54
Anderson, Lisa M WL - 4Field Ext Mgmt/Prof $ 81,710.31
Blackstock, Stephanie A CAL - 1VCFinAdmin Mgmt/Prof $ 81,667.48
Chew, Mary Jane WL - 4MarkmediaWL Mgmt/Prof $ 81,589.26
Jennings, Billi K WL - 4Eng Ed Mgmt/Prof $ 81,528.54
Paczolt, Thomas M WL - 4UR/ResLife Mgmt/Prof $ 81,497.08
Childress, Amy L WL - 4OUR Mgmt/Prof $ 81,480.12
Moser, Julayne M WL - 4EPE Mgmt/Prof $ 81,466.02
Lawrence, Maricel A WL - 4DigitalED Mgmt/Prof $ 81,389.10
Heckaman, Kelly L WL - 4Field Ext Mgmt/Prof $ 81,374.47
Bonachera Martin, Francisco Javier WL - 4Civil Eng Mgmt/Prof $ 81,201.36
Reed, Daniel J WL - 4SPS Mgmt/Prof $ 81,166.32

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Stremiecki, WL - Global Sustainabilit Operations/Technical
Crace, Alfred WL Temporary A/P
Layow, Erica CAL - Duplicating Center Temporary Cler/Serv
Surface, WL - Physical and Capital facult
Sutton, WL - 4Distr Sys faculty
Switzer, CAL - 1QuantBusSt Fire/Police BW Sal

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