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Number of people in Mgmt/Prof Employee Group: 1303
Maximum Salary:$ 4,220,754.79
Average Salary:$ 98,548.39
Minimum Salary:$ 45.85

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 15 of 44
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jacobs, Kenneth P WL - 4CapProg Mgm Mgmt/Prof $ 100,971.50
Guenin, Jon E WL - 4Energy Mgmt Mgmt/Prof $ 100,909.80
Maurer, Kevin R WL - 4VPStudntLif Mgmt/Prof $ 100,874.22
Jackson, Diana L FW - 2VC Financia Mgmt/Prof $ 100,648.89
Mousoulis, Charilaos WL - 4Electrical Mgmt/Prof $ 100,607.92
Sewak, Dhananjay M WL - 4Tech Ast Pr Mgmt/Prof $ 100,540.14
Tatum, Jeffrey D WL - 4BOfcStdLife Mgmt/Prof $ 100,512.18
Weger, Kelly R WL - 4Tech Ast Pr Mgmt/Prof $ 100,450.08
Aryal, Uma K WL - 4Bindley Bio Mgmt/Prof $ 100,180.56
Groves, Delvin B WL - 4IN State Ch Mgmt/Prof $ 100,122.60
White, Jane M WL - 4Intr Audit Mgmt/Prof $ 100,106.59
Claeys, Matthew C WL - 4An Sci Mgmt/Prof $ 100,090.92
Chen, Zehui WL - 4FinPlnandAnly Mgmt/Prof $ 100,081.63
Topp, Dave WL - 4HumanDevFam Mgmt/Prof $ 100,000.72
Robertson, Jessica WL - 4AuxService Mgmt/Prof $ 99,566.87
Marjanovic, Maja CAL - 1OffResearch Mgmt/Prof $ 99,392.92
Delworth, Angeline Mills WL - 4BusOfc Tech Mgmt/Prof $ 99,329.58
Long, Russell A WL - 4Eng Ed Mgmt/Prof $ 99,323.16
Velastegui Andrade, Marco A WL - 4Energy Ctr Mgmt/Prof $ 99,260.40
Bugusu, Betty A WL - 4GEP Mgmt/Prof $ 99,148.92
Fincannon, Lori A FW - 2Odv Mgmt/Prof $ 99,132.85
Lawhead, Kathleen A WL - 4RecandWellnes Mgmt/Prof $ 99,127.32
Priester, Bryant O WL - 4ISS Mgmt/Prof $ 99,032.34
Lewis, Jerry L FW - 2OfCommMrk Mgmt/Prof $ 98,961.64
Babick, Christine M WL - 4Col Engr Ad Mgmt/Prof $ 98,948.16
Horton, Deborah K WL - 4Civil Eng Mgmt/Prof $ 98,933.52
Frazee, Christopher L WL - 4ITAS Mgmt/Prof $ 98,918.10
Davis, Ryan J WL - 4DDI Mgmt/Prof $ 98,881.38
Herd, Jean M WL - 4Nursing WL Mgmt/Prof $ 98,773.98
Diaz Rivas, Rosa E WL - 4Birck Nano Mgmt/Prof $ 98,732.28

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Tabetah, WL - Physical and Capital facult
Swisher, WL - 4Distr Sys faculty
Quinn, Patrick CAL - 1QuantBusSt Fire/Police BW Sal

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