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Number of people in Mgmt/Prof Employee Group: 1184
Maximum Salary:$ 2,109,633.50
Average Salary:$ 88,843.20
Minimum Salary:$ 151.36

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 4 of 40
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sands, Timothy D WL - Office of the Provos Mgmt/Prof $ 142,136.70
Finke, Linda M FW - Health and Human Servi Mgmt/Prof $ 141,948.12
Drake, Brent M WL - 4OIRAE Mgmt/Prof $ 141,594.42
Schreiber, Douglas L WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof $ 141,547.64
Luzader, Timothy B WL - Center for Career Op Mgmt/Prof $ 141,022.68
Malone, Theodore E WL - Financial Aid Mgmt/Prof $ 140,369.04
Fossum, Barbara WL - NEESComm Center Mgmt/Prof $ 139,256.83
Song, Xiaohui C WL - 4RCAC Mgmt/Prof $ 139,021.74
McGuinness, Paul M NC - Admissions Mgmt/Prof $ 137,999.95
Brinkerhoff, Charles T WL - School of Management Mgmt/Prof $ 137,999.70
Fish, Peggy L WL - Internal Audit Mgmt/Prof $ 137,177.70
Lewis, Randall J WL - School of Management Mgmt/Prof $ 136,777.80
Martin, Christopher J WL - Director of Business Mgmt/Prof $ 136,585.80
Kull, Michael J CAL - 1FacandCapProj Mgmt/Prof $ 136,211.76
Sundstrom, Alayne K WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof $ 136,184.00
Korb, John T WL - Computer Science Mgmt/Prof $ 135,605.83
Flanary, W R WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof $ 135,448.88
Clifford, Rita K WL - 4ITAS Mgmt/Prof $ 134,698.62
Greene, Rolando P WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof $ 134,348.90
Frazee, Barbara J WL - University Residence Mgmt/Prof $ 134,082.30
Shelby, Carol A WL - 4Sr Dir EHPS Mgmt/Prof $ 133,862.34
Albayyari, Jihad M FW - Research Engagement Mgmt/Prof $ 133,515.97
Ashlock, Terry L WL - Senior Director for Mgmt/Prof $ 133,250.10
Kobler, Wendy C FW - 2Odv Mgmt/Prof $ 133,192.03
Hodes, Marquis Z WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof $ 132,500.76
Oconnor, Ruth S WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof $ 132,466.00
Umberger, Gloria H WL - 4Glbl Affr Mgmt/Prof $ 132,071.10
Sternberger, Carol S FW - Vice Chancellor Acad Mgmt/Prof $ 131,410.33
Miller, Susan T CAL - Human Resources Mgmt/Prof $ 131,231.92
Tippets, Jared N WL - 4Success Mgmt/Prof $ 131,014.95

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Lee, Seung Yoon CAL - 1FitWellRec Service
Craven, CAL - Graduate Studies In Continuing Lecturer
Magnus, CAL - 1VCEMSA Limited Term Lecture
Crider, WL - Engineering Professi Professional
Wang, Dawei WL - Global Engineering P Student
Crist, WL - Materials Eng Fire/Police Mgmt

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