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Number of people in Mgmt/Prof Employee Group: 1184
Maximum Salary:$ 2,109,633.50
Average Salary:$ 88,843.20
Minimum Salary:$ 151.36

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 19 of 40
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Robison, Andrew WL - University Residence Mgmt/Prof $ 81,696.60
Martin, Berdine R WL - Nutrition Science Mgmt/Prof $ 81,665.94
Strasburger, Barbara L WL - Nursing Mgmt/Prof $ 81,639.42
Logan, Michael J WL - Mechanical Engineeri Mgmt/Prof $ 81,630.51
Trimble, Scott R WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 81,559.92
Corriveau, Lorraine A WL - Veterinary Medical T Mgmt/Prof $ 81,541.26
Hoebel, Kimberly K WL - Managerial Accountin Mgmt/Prof $ 81,500.22
Lawhead, Kathleen A WL - Division of Recreati Mgmt/Prof $ 81,233.30
Saxton, George N WL - Office of The Indian Mgmt/Prof $ 81,214.86
Johnson, Deborah A WL - 4CapProg Mgm Mgmt/Prof $ 81,198.46
Williams, E C WL - Animal Sciences Rese Mgmt/Prof $ 81,188.82
Boyle, Amy E WL - Vice President for H Mgmt/Prof $ 81,077.22
Martin, Brock E NC - Finance Mgmt/Prof $ 80,957.22
Fellenstein, Carol A WL - Veterinary Medical T Mgmt/Prof $ 80,886.36
Griffin, Marvery K CAL - Vice Chancellor for Mgmt/Prof $ 80,864.76
Wenger, Joel WL - Financial Aid Mgmt/Prof $ 80,849.22
Wesner, Teresa L WL - Vice President for H Mgmt/Prof $ 80,796.00
Knobloch, Philip G WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 80,716.30
Drake, Maria L WL - College of Technolog Mgmt/Prof $ 80,695.98
Gibson, Barbara A WL - 4EAPS Mgmt/Prof $ 80,685.24
Faltens, Tanya A WL - Network for Computat Mgmt/Prof $ 80,679.78
Li, Haoxiang H WL - Civil Engineering Mgmt/Prof $ 80,668.20
Henry, Darren L WL - School of Management Mgmt/Prof $ 80,628.18
Cooper, Bruce R WL - Bindley Bioscience C Mgmt/Prof $ 80,617.02
Holladay, Susan R WL - College of Pharmacy Mgmt/Prof $ 80,416.92
Field, Kenneth E WL - University Residence Mgmt/Prof $ 80,247.47
Clauss, Michelle E CAL - Human Resources Mgmt/Prof $ 80,174.20
Lukoshus, Wesley K CAL - 1MarketComm Mgmt/Prof $ 80,171.52
Burcham, Grant N WL - Animal Disease Diagn Mgmt/Prof $ 80,081.35
Kotterman, Susan D WL - Statewide Technology Mgmt/Prof $ 79,941.84

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Harpenau, Stephanie WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Clin Res or NonTT
Hufford, Bruce WL - 4Purdue ID Service
Chism, WL - Programs/PSUB Continuing Lecturer
Polk, John CAL - 1FitWellRec Limited Term Lecture

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