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Number of people in Mgmt/Prof Employee Group: 1184
Maximum Salary:$ 2,109,633.50
Average Salary:$ 88,843.20
Minimum Salary:$ 151.36

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 17 of 40
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jones, Michael R WL - Facility Engineering Mgmt/Prof $ 85,444.86
Seidel, Leonard F WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Mgmt/Prof $ 85,444.26
Auffart, Adam J WL - Technical Assistance Mgmt/Prof $ 85,424.22
Nettesheim, Mitchell R WL - Division of Recreati Mgmt/Prof $ 85,423.88
Staley, Donald J WL - Office of VP for Phy Mgmt/Prof $ 85,282.98
Willis, Stephanie J WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 85,254.84
Stewart, Natalie M WL - Technical Assistance Mgmt/Prof $ 85,248.44
Adelsperger, Donna K CAL - Accounting and Budg Mgmt/Prof $ 85,179.36
Rao, Sundeep WL - Engineering Computer Mgmt/Prof $ 85,163.52
Bishop, Patricia A WL - Chemistry Mgmt/Prof $ 85,106.54
Albrecht, Robert D WL - Animal Sciences Mgmt/Prof $ 85,085.70
Cutter, Ellen A FW - Public Policy Mgmt/Prof $ 85,074.85
Bobalik, John J CAL - 1FitWellRec Mgmt/Prof $ 84,977.04
White, Danny J WL - Office of Engagement Mgmt/Prof $ 84,972.30
Justice, Gregory D FW - Project Management Mgmt/Prof $ 84,948.16
Severa, Anacelia A CAL - 1Registratn Mgmt/Prof $ 84,877.11
Walker, William S WL - Office of Engagement Mgmt/Prof $ 84,871.02
Topp, Dave WL - Human Development an Mgmt/Prof $ 84,655.26
Kumar, Indraneel WL - Office of Engagement Mgmt/Prof $ 84,605.02
Sweeney, Sharon J CAL - 1SFS Mgmt/Prof $ 84,602.47
Maurer, Kevin R WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 84,285.30
Bryan Jungels, Allison E WL - Technical Assistance Mgmt/Prof $ 84,114.58
Wright, Ronnie D WL - 4Sr Dir EHPS Mgmt/Prof $ 84,049.98
Miller, William A WL - Agricultural Economi Mgmt/Prof $ 83,908.70
Elick, Cynthia M FW - Purchasing and Suppo Mgmt/Prof $ 83,793.97
Marjanovic, Maja CAL - Research and Graduate Mgmt/Prof $ 83,694.09
Mahajan, Rutu R WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof $ 83,687.41
Fanwick, Phillip E WL - Chemistry Mgmt/Prof $ 83,677.74
Bae, Euiwon WL - Mechanical Engineeri Mgmt/Prof $ 83,597.39
Coleman, Thomas P WL - 4Purdue Dine Mgmt/Prof $ 83,508.42

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NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
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Chipman, WL - Botany and Plant Pat Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Delgado, Maria WL - PEC Distance Learnin Fire/Police Mgmt
Pollock, FW - Purchasing and Suppo faculty
Harpenau, Stephanie WL - Project Management facult
Hufford, Bruce NC - Stores and Service Ope Clerical
Chism, WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Clin Res or NonTT
Polk, John WL - 4Purdue ID Service
Minnich, WL - Programs/PSUB Continuing Lecturer
Chiu, CAL - 1FitWellRec Limited Term Lecture

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