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Number of people in M/P Professional Employee Group: 729
Maximum Salary:$ 367,336.34
Average Salary:$ 84,740.80
Minimum Salary:$ 14.77

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 21 of 25
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Knight, Matthew W WL - Undergraduate Recrui M/P Professional $ 62,454.27
Wiatt, Renee D WL - Ag Economics M/P Professional $ 62,437.92
Johnson, Amanda M WL - Purdue Conferences M/P Professional $ 62,413.38
Goff, Kristina L WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 62,005.92
McCullouch, Bobby G WL - Const. Engr. & M M/P Professional $ 61,926.36
Rambo, Nicholas G WL - Master's Programs M/P Professional $ 61,902.84
Waitkoff, Gregory R WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 61,699.36
Dowty, Allison M WL - Delphi Dept M/P Professional $ 61,648.08
Jia, Xiaokai FW - Academic Affairs Adm M/P Professional $ 61,550.40
Schuerman, Margaretha J WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 61,521.34
Ho, Kwok Ki WL - Biochemistry M/P Professional $ 61,215.72
Lawler, Annette C WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 61,100.16
Simms, Stephanie M WL - Financial Aid M/P Professional $ 61,064.40
Clark, Josh L WL - Vet Tech M/P Professional $ 60,978.12
Douglas, Martin W WL - Ag Communication Ser M/P Professional $ 60,956.40
Curry, Laura L WL - Academic Student Ser M/P Professional $ 60,945.60
Molter, Roberta J WL - Academic Student Ser M/P Professional $ 60,902.88
Goodwin, Heather L WL - Master's Programs M/P Professional $ 60,857.76
Adeyanju, Adedayo O WL - Agronomy M/P Professional $ 60,822.00
Taulman, Chelsea L WL - Monon Dept M/P Professional $ 60,804.40
Gilbert, Molly E WL - Boiler Success Team M/P Professional $ 60,793.20
Hudec, Meghan S WL - FSCL M/P Professional $ 60,788.40
Jones, Kevin B WL - Undergrad Educ M/P Professional $ 60,788.40
Lillpop, Abby R WL - CES M/P Professional $ 60,730.07
Olek, Anna T WL - Botany & Plant P M/P Professional $ 60,665.00
Hollinger, Jesica E WL - CES M/P Professional $ 60,322.08
Proctor, Janet D WL - Academic Student Ser M/P Professional $ 60,132.36
Nutten, Theresa M WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 59,953.72
Zhou, Xiangjun WL - Agronomy M/P Professional $ 59,939.09
Stout, Lori L WL - Vet Medicine Admin M/P Professional $ 59,767.87

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Hoover, Christy CAL - Building Services Post Doc
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Creech, Brett WL - Sponsored Program Se Post Doc Intern Res
Singleton, Michelle WL - Nursing Professional
Lahrman, Tammy WL - 4PhysandAstr faculty
Lewis, Tina WL - LD Student

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