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Number of people in M/P Professional Employee Group: 729
Maximum Salary:$ 367,336.34
Average Salary:$ 84,740.80
Minimum Salary:$ 14.77

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 16 of 25
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Frazier, Wright S WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 75,932.88
Hendress, Steven A WL - Animal Sciences M/P Professional $ 75,882.04
Eldridge, W M WL - CoEduc Admin M/P Professional $ 75,864.00
Wild, Todd A WL - Electrical & Com M/P Professional $ 75,750.36
Arthur, Michele L WL - Ofc of Legal Counsel M/P Professional $ 75,750.00
Dixon, Christy L WL - LA Info Tech M/P Professional $ 75,557.76
Foster, Tanya R WL - Academic Services M/P Professional $ 75,557.50
Dhawan, Deepika WL - Vet Clinical Science M/P Professional $ 75,441.12
Troy, Julianna D WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 75,231.72
Tyner, Barton L FW - 2OfCommMrk M/P Professional $ 75,173.88
Wang, Wen-Hung WL - Bindley Bioscience M/P Professional $ 75,129.78
Thomas, Geoffrey M FW - 2OfCommMrk M/P Professional $ 75,113.40
Happ, Lee Ann WL - Vet Medicine Admin M/P Professional $ 74,909.40
Yoder, Robert A WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 74,885.01
Bryant, Randy L WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 74,755.32
Eck, Kenneth J WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 74,738.28
Starr, Laura J WL - Undergrad Educ M/P Professional $ 74,659.08
Monroe, James S WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 74,589.72
DeWitt, Bryan A WL - New Program Developm M/P Professional $ 74,503.22
Yoder, Steven D WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 74,324.52
Emanuel, Curt D WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 74,319.60
Bonem, Emily M WL - Center for Instructi M/P Professional $ 73,809.72
Meunier, Pascal C WL - IT Research Computin M/P Professional $ 73,808.82
Zhou, Xiaopeng WL - MRI Center Recharge M/P Professional $ 73,782.00
Wilbert, Korina A WL - Grad School Admin M/P Professional $ 73,780.38
Sommer, Bradley I WL - Marketing & Medi M/P Professional $ 73,688.94
Richardson, Gwen E WL - PUSH M/P Professional $ 73,493.20
Terekhov, Anton I WL - Food Science M/P Professional $ 73,382.40
Jones, Amy J WL - Academic Programs M/P Professional $ 73,287.69
Beal, Andrew R WL - College IT M/P Professional $ 73,239.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Perry, Teresa CAL - 1CollNursing M/P Professional
Beedle, WL - VPR Lab Animal Progr M/P Management
Kirchner, Michael FW - Engineering Continuing Lecturer
Janssen, Donna WL - IT Customer Relation Clerical
Coleman, Amanda WL - School of Management Admin/Prof
Coleman, Thomas WL - University Residence Limited Term Lecture
Hamdani, May WL - School of Management Service
Biggs, WL - Psychological Scienc Temporary Cler/Serv
Marshall, Ann WL - Computer Science Operations/Technical
Zhang, WL - Business Office - Pu Faculty
Hunley, Michael WL - TAP/MEP Fire/Police BW Sal

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