Employee Group
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Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2547
Maximum Salary:$ 668,887.14
Average Salary:$ 138,984.94
Minimum Salary:$ 67.05

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 85 of 85
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Bethel, James S WL - Civil Engr Faculty $ 24,682.37
Wulle, Bernard W WL - SATT Faculty $ 24,657.70
Morin, Thomas L WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 24,370.93
Feinberg, Richard A WL - Hospitality & To Faculty $ 21,654.08
Zook, Dianna L FW - Mathematics Faculty $ 20,469.71
Sanders, Karen R WL - Nursing Faculty $ 16,087.97
Balouchestani-Asli, Mohammadreza FW - Schl of Polytechnic Faculty $ 15,648.30
Liu, Chunghorng R WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 14,759.85
Mannodi Kanakkithodi, Arun Kumar WL - Materials Eng Faculty $ 14,450.35
Leasure, Michael L WL - SATT Faculty $ 12,517.10
Young, David M FW - Psychology Faculty $ 12,014.51
Pujol, Santiago WL - Civil Engr Faculty $ 10,352.12
Behrend, Tara S WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 7,500.44
Chu, Hui NC - Psychology Faculty $ 6,897.09
Calve, Sarah WL - Biomedical Eng Faculty $ 2,796.83
Frazier, Denise K NC - School of Education Faculty $ 1,657.99
Feng, Zhilan J WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 1,516.68
Sigman, David L WL - Rueff School of Desi Faculty $ 1,469.91
Bertolet, Rodney J WL - Philosophy Faculty $ 1,330.36
Decarlo, Raymond A WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 1,004.63
Hyner, Gerald C WL - Public Health Faculty $ 918.23
Schwingendorf, Keith E NC - Math and Statistics Faculty $ 852.87
Mitchell, Mary WL - History Faculty $ 834.00
Curtis, Susan WL - History Faculty $ 417.27
Sun, Hao FW - English & Lingui Faculty $ 363.92
Younger-Rossmann, Barbara WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 249.48
Hile, Rachel E FW - English & Lingui Faculty $ 67.05

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