Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in Faculty Employee Group: 2621
Maximum Salary:$ 510,838.37
Average Salary:$ 129,822.67
Minimum Salary:$ 12.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2017 Page 73 of 88
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sadoghi Hamedani, Mohammad WL - Computer Science Faculty $ 79,930.32
Winchester, Daniel A WL - Sociology Department Faculty $ 79,814.43
Casanova, Gisele M CAL - 1Psychology Faculty $ 79,674.77
Wang, Fengsong CAL - Department of Biolo Faculty $ 79,497.50
Errihani, Mohammed CAL - 1English Faculty $ 79,477.09
Chan, Kam C CAL - 1SchlEdConsl Faculty $ 79,462.27
Stanic, Radmila S CAL - Department of Biolo Faculty $ 79,373.28
Trieu, Monica M WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 79,353.55
Gay, Roxane WL - English Faculty $ 79,307.82
Conroy, Renee M CAL - 1HistPhil Faculty $ 79,284.79
Yatcilla, Jane F WL - Libraries Faculty $ 79,231.02
Welp-Smith, Lisa R WL - 4EAPS Faculty $ 79,194.90
Marshall, Jordan M FW - Biology Faculty $ 79,160.61
Davis, Beverly J WL - Technology Leadersh Faculty $ 79,147.95
Bartholomew, Theodore T WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 79,084.73
Pekny, Joseph F WL - Chemical Engineering Faculty $ 78,978.12
Pelter, Libbie S CAL - Chemistry and Physi Faculty $ 78,922.39
Huffman, Debrah L FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 78,879.11
Xu, Yao CAL - Electrical and Comp Faculty $ 78,844.36
Aryal, Gokarna R CAL - 1MathStatCS Faculty $ 78,806.98
Florczak, Kristine L CAL - 1CollNursing Faculty $ 78,775.88
Tescarollo, Hamilton S FW - Music Faculty $ 78,771.84
Luo, Wei FW - Communication Faculty $ 78,766.36
Eisenstein, Maurice M CAL - 1PolEcWLC Faculty $ 78,674.64
Narayanan, Sanjeev K WL - Comparative Pathobio Faculty $ 78,653.41
Smith, Brian G WL - Communication Faculty $ 78,583.08
Gregory, Anne E CAL - 1SchlEdConsl Faculty $ 78,499.88
Mansour-Cole, Dina M FW - Organizational Leade Faculty $ 78,467.06
Jordan, Mark A FW - Biology Faculty $ 78,395.17
Capozzoli, Thomas K WL - 4PolyKokomo Faculty $ 78,379.13

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Chin, WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Clin Res or NonTT
Juliano, Anthony WL - 4Purdue ID Service
Buhman, Kimberly WL - Programs/PSUB Continuing Lecturer
Turner, John CAL - 1FitWellRec Limited Term Lecture

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