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Number of people in Continuing Lecturer Employee Group: 319
Maximum Salary:$ 152,067.61
Average Salary:$ 57,174.24
Minimum Salary:$ 11,605.41

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 7 of 11
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Monsivais, Agripina M CAL - 1PolEcWLC Continuing Lecturer $ 50,987.88
Ortsey, Craig G FW - 2PoliSci Continuing Lecturer $ 50,804.60
Stover, James P FW - 2Theater Continuing Lecturer $ 50,724.86
Humphrey, Sean E WL - 4Bio Sci Continuing Lecturer $ 50,672.34
Tezeller Arik, Beril WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 50,577.12
Pimenova, Nadezda WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 50,482.72
Bronowski, Kenneth P CAL - 1Comm and Crea Continuing Lecturer $ 50,385.50
Leonard, Michael E CAL - 1MathStatCS Continuing Lecturer $ 50,289.55
Murphy-Kline, Anne M WL - 4CurricandInst Continuing Lecturer $ 50,035.78
Mankey, Sharon K FW - 2ComScandDis Continuing Lecturer $ 49,768.14
Murray, Renee L WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 49,152.58
Bittner, Laura E WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 48,908.07
Aguilar, Jeannete WL - 4Eng Ed Continuing Lecturer $ 48,827.79
Mosca, Annalisa WL - 4SchLangCltr Continuing Lecturer $ 48,708.19
McLellan, Karen K FW - 2Biology Continuing Lecturer $ 48,691.18
Corey, Justin R WL - 4SATT Continuing Lecturer $ 48,626.93
Coria, Esteban M FW - 2Intl Lang Continuing Lecturer $ 48,284.22
Thomas, Carrie A WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 48,281.12
Haugen, Mark R WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 48,247.67
DiBuduo, Benjamin J WL - 4SATT Continuing Lecturer $ 48,244.65
Jones, Irvin R WL - 4Engr Techn Continuing Lecturer $ 48,174.45
Kalish, Julia A WL - 4Management Continuing Lecturer $ 48,013.85
Lichti, Nathanael I WL - 4Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 47,522.75
Abramova, Inna WL - 4CurricandInst Continuing Lecturer $ 47,484.11
Greff, Michael C WL - 4SATT Continuing Lecturer $ 47,385.55
Feightner, Julie A FW - 2Biology Continuing Lecturer $ 47,102.57
Okamoto Protsman, Erin CAL - 1Comm and Crea Continuing Lecturer $ 47,063.80
Rodda, Patricia A CAL - 1Behavior Sc Continuing Lecturer $ 46,986.42
Vachon, Jessica A FW - 2ArtandDes Continuing Lecturer $ 46,915.44
Deutsch, Pamela G WL - 4Comm Continuing Lecturer $ 46,832.57

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