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Number of people in Continuing Lecturer Employee Group: 319
Maximum Salary:$ 152,067.61
Average Salary:$ 57,174.24
Minimum Salary:$ 11,605.41

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 10 of 11
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Bras, Heejeon K WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 33,886.91
Burrus, David L CAL - 1ConSciOrgL Continuing Lecturer $ 32,734.33
Robertson, Stuart D WL - 4SchLangCltr Continuing Lecturer $ 32,377.77
Zeinoddini Meimand, Vahid WL - 4MechEng Continuing Lecturer $ 31,571.95
Kennell, Richard L WL - 4Electrical Continuing Lecturer $ 31,062.95
Downing, Brenda K WL - 4Ed Stdy Continuing Lecturer $ 30,000.76
Hass, Margaret E WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 29,517.65
Colver, Tadd WL - 4Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 28,936.71
Torrie, Heather C CAL - 1OffGlobEngt Continuing Lecturer $ 28,813.98
Harris, Mary E WL - 4Coll of LA Continuing Lecturer $ 28,497.39
Anderson, Athena R WL - 4Bio Sci Continuing Lecturer $ 27,958.55
Solomon, Bruce P WL - 4Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 27,875.03
Campbell, James C FW - 2ArtandDes Continuing Lecturer $ 26,882.99
Walker, Mallori R WL - 4Nursing WL Continuing Lecturer $ 26,352.09
Selle, Andrew T FW - 2Music Continuing Lecturer $ 25,635.53
Encabo, Mary Elizabeth I FW - 2Engl Ling Continuing Lecturer $ 25,221.41
Gothard, James A WL - 4Management Continuing Lecturer $ 25,049.70
Woods, Susan B WL - 4CertProgEl Continuing Lecturer $ 24,270.53
Archer, Sean M WL - 4SATT Continuing Lecturer $ 24,086.07
Crain, Steven D WL - 4Comm Continuing Lecturer $ 24,043.82
Quarrar, Parveen FW - 2Biology Continuing Lecturer $ 23,917.74
Greider, Cynthia S FW - 2Music Continuing Lecturer $ 23,083.00
Grande, Giuseppina WL - 4SchLangCltr Continuing Lecturer $ 22,806.09
Cooke, David B FW - 2Music Continuing Lecturer $ 22,610.51
Vanderkolk, Linda L WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 22,283.74
Van Dyke, Marybeth WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 21,357.03
Bodine, Gerald B WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 21,295.53
Brann, Strother H WL - 4CertProgEl Continuing Lecturer $ 21,214.76
Jaycox, Holly A WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 20,988.77
Dubikovsky, Nadya Nadegda N WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 20,919.51

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Inoue, Tomohito WL - 4CapProg Mgm Admin/Prof
Lu, Chien-Tsung WL - Aeronautics and Astron Temporary Cler/Serv
Lytle, Steven FW - Engineering and Techno Operations/Technical
McDonald, Kimberly WL - Enrollment Mgmt Temporary
Gillotti, Catherine NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Fire/Police BW Sal

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