Employee Group
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List of Employee Groups

Number of people in Clerical Employee Group: 1318
Maximum Salary:$ 51,470.67
Average Salary:$ 25,789.19
Minimum Salary:$ 215.36

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 44
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wolever, Cheryl L FW - Educational Studies Clerical $ 51,470.67
Williams, Jana J FW - Accounting Services Clerical $ 49,420.49
Garner, Kathryn L WL - Libraries Clerical $ 49,303.39
Foley, Teresa M WL - College of Liberal A Clerical $ 47,236.69
Allen, Karen A WL - School of Management Clerical $ 46,823.75
Casiano, Mary J FW - Engineering and Techno Clerical $ 46,684.85
Brost, Michele W WL - Intercollegiate Athl Clerical $ 46,540.02
Hendryx, Sandra K WL - Chemical Engineering Clerical $ 45,286.32
Rausch, Elizabeth A WL - College of Agricultu Clerical $ 45,283.38
Kline, Theresa R WL - McCutcheon Residence Clerical $ 45,238.87
Salla, Michele A WL - Vice President for H Clerical $ 45,238.63
Hall, Shelley J WL - Admissions Clerical $ 45,197.67
Davich, Tamara G FW - Public Policy Clerical $ 44,810.72
Oswalt, Sandra K WL - 4Conferences Clerical $ 44,780.69
Clymer, Karen N WL - Agronomy Clerical $ 44,587.00
Kincade, Kathy S WL - 4EAPS Clerical $ 44,455.39
Stevens, Brenda S WL - College of Pharmacy Clerical $ 44,123.76
Mitchell, Diana L WL - Admissions Clerical $ 44,045.45
Montalvo, Sandra A CAL - Counseling Center Clerical $ 44,033.08
Ehrman, Eric B WL - 4Trans Clerical $ 43,890.01
Anderson, Cyndy K WL - Office of The Indian Clerical $ 43,844.17
Iles, Marcia D WL - Intercollegiate Athl Clerical $ 43,588.70
McFall, Ellin S WL - Office of The Indian Clerical $ 43,561.09
Solomon, Michael P WL - Libraries Clerical $ 43,160.98
Bender, Darlene F FW - Biology Clerical $ 43,154.86
Soposky, Marla K WL - Registrar Clerical $ 43,044.20
Lafon, Foxy D WL - Intercollegiate Athl Clerical $ 43,028.06
Yoakum, Janet L WL - School of Management Clerical $ 42,769.31
Jostes, Pamela K CAL - 1SFS Clerical $ 42,494.93
Johnson, Denice A WL - 4DigitalED Clerical $ 42,460.76

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Watters, Annette WL - Health Sciences Limited Term Lect
McCormick, Carolyn WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Post Doc Intern Res
Spector, Alan WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof
Smith, CAL - Mathematics Comput Post doc

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