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Number of people in WL - stat Department: 76
Maximum Salary:$ 273,442.32
Average Salary:$ 85,823.53
Minimum Salary:$ 585.85

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 3 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sigman, Mary A WL - Statistics Support $ 33,693.59
Solomon, Bruce P WL - Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 32,122.54
Benson, Robin M WL - Statistics Support $ 28,455.60
Yang, Qing WL - Statistics Visiting Faculty $ 27,514.19
Clupper, Stacy A WL - State Egg Board Professional $ 27,217.03
Peng, Mengjiao WL - Statistics Limited Term Lecture $ 25,000.05
Urba, Laura WL - Statistics Limited Term Lecture $ 24,337.53
Chen, Jianbin WL - Statistics Post Doc $ 23,003.76
Zeng, Xianli WL - Statistics Post Doc $ 22,720.66
Leib, Norman WL - Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 19,004.82
Xu, Mengyi WL - Statistics Visiting Faculty $ 16,604.23
Porterfield, Pamela F WL - Statistics Limited Term Lecture $ 15,225.14
Papamichalis, Marios WL - Statistics Post Doc $ 12,394.20
McDaniel, Dominique A WL - Statistics Limited Term Lecture $ 7,873.97
Asmus, Abby M WL - State Egg Board Professional $ 5,715.91
Wu, Zizhuang WL - Statistics Fellowship Pre Doc $ 585.85

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