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Number of people in WL - WL MCUT Housing Department: 16
Maximum Salary:$ 38,542.50
Average Salary:$ 20,358.65
Minimum Salary:$ 800.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Grady, Carlotta S WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 38,542.50
Pritts, Jeraldine M WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 30,826.39
Chen, Guifang WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 29,907.05
Bramer, Joseph D WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 25,619.08
Tamayo, Shiela May T WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 25,244.91
Boggs, Laura L WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 24,724.11
Lafontant, Wendy S WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 23,289.15
Metzger, Kathleen A WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 23,236.30
Stockwell, Shannon M WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 22,531.04
Berry, April A WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 22,004.35
Halascsak, Claire E WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 21,844.88
Hamblen, Roy A WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 16,608.59
Myers, Mindy J WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 11,252.69
Nelson, Kathy L WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 8,383.29
Miller, LaDonna G WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 924.00
Oliver, Stefanie A WL - WL MCUT Housing Service $ 800.00

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