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Number of people in WL - Vice President for E Department: 13
Maximum Salary:$ 199,256.76
Average Salary:$ 60,148.60
Minimum Salary:$ 9,534.05

Purdue University Salaries for 2013 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Rollock, Alysa C WL - Vice President for E Mgmt/Prof $ 199,256.76
Bloom, Monica S WL - Vice President for E Mgmt/Prof $ 115,090.62
Dombkowski, Crystal B WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 68,267.70
Teets, Jessica E WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 55,133.10
Oliver, Erin N WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 52,853.34
Carlson, Amy S WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 51,148.32
Bartlett, Michele L WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 50,330.64
Hintzman, Marcy A WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 49,152.36
Devine, Barbara J WL - Vice President for E Operations/Technical $ 47,798.00
Luedtke, Deborah P WL - Vice President for E Operations/Technical $ 34,355.77
Wilson, Rhonda L WL - Vice President for E Clerical $ 29,886.50
Weibel, Nicole A WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 19,124.60
Mayes, Kimberly A WL - Vice President for E Clerical $ 9,534.05

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Gejji, Rohan WL - 4ITIS Faculty
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