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Number of people in WL - Study Abroad Department: 12
Maximum Salary:$ 119,717.52
Average Salary:$ 44,934.93
Minimum Salary:$ 17,929.95

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Harley, Brian D WL - Study Abroad Mgmt/Prof $ 119,717.52
Bennett, Nancy J WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 68,042.68
Caudill, Glenda C WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 59,841.24
Bittinger, Michael D WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 47,782.26
Memmer, Paula R WL - Study Abroad Operations/Technical $ 38,880.94
Hollingsworth, Mary J WL - Study Abroad Operations/Technical $ 37,262.40
Robillos, April WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 37,008.20
Sheldon, Addison J WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 35,459.00
Smith, Meghan L WL - Study Abroad Clerical $ 27,658.09
Mullins, Chelsey A WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 25,160.20
Branham-Whalen, Kimberly S WL - Study Abroad Clerical $ 24,476.72
Ware, Kristen M WL - Study Abroad Admin/Prof $ 17,929.95

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Bowman, WL - College of Science A Temporary
Wang, Minghui FW - 2Athletics Continuing Lecturer
Hirschberg, FW - Dental Education Service
Yang, NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Eldridge, W NC - Development Office Clin Res or NonTT
Du, Yunchao CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Operations/Technical
Baker, Ryan WL - Physical Facilities- Fire/Police Admin
Hamilton, Paul CAL - Career Center Student
Mintert, James WL - 4Mgmt Professional

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