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Number of people in WL - Sponsored Program Se Department: 86
Maximum Salary:$ 196,736.70
Average Salary:$ 46,070.54
Minimum Salary:$ 6,668.43

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sandel, Ken L WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 196,736.70
Haddock, Christina J WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 95,115.52
Willis, Stephanie J WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 89,392.38
Hamaker, Amanda K WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 89,129.16
White, Rebecca L WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 82,483.00
Wright, Thomas B WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 74,140.70
Jang, Julie K WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 73,959.62
Siemers, Jenny L WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 69,083.22
Bryant, Randy L WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 66,252.36
Szczepanski, Michael A WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 64,733.82
Wright, Amy J WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 64,338.30
Harris, Allison K WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 63,181.20
Gascho, Kimberley E WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 61,686.54
Suter, Kenneth W WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 60,141.14
Corwin, Susan M WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 59,907.50
Spall, Jason E WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 59,124.43
Sweet, Megan A WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 59,071.75
Urcuioli, Nicholas J WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 57,208.08
Wargo, Kyle WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 56,968.16
Guo, Na WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 56,466.41
Everest, Amber C WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 56,179.70
Moschinger, Helen M WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 55,596.20
Vi-Zook, Kim WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 55,570.12
Kittle, Douglas A WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 54,471.01
Williams, Jessica L WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 54,456.60
Winger, Jennifer M WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 53,997.72
Horton, Christelene A WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 53,788.68
Henry, John S WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 53,249.36
Payne, Suzanne K WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 52,539.72
Kuhl, Laurie M WL - Sponsored Program Se Mgmt/Prof $ 51,664.66

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NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Bogusz, WL - Sponsored Program Se Service
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Steiner, Sherrie WL - Workforce Education Post Doc Intern Res
Laskin, Alexander NC - Purchasing Continuing Lecturer
Hurt, Christopher WL - Political Science Police Hourly
Matthews, Jerry WL - Nutrition Science Admin/Prof
Hilton, W WL - IT Customer Relation Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Wallenfang, Jesse WL - 4PolyKokomo Temporary Cler/Serv
Shakouri, Ali WL - 4TeachSucs Operations/Technical
Pysher, WL - 4REM WL Temporary
Alicea, Ermelinda WL - Mathematics Fire/Police BW Sal

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