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Number of people in WL - Security Department: 38
Maximum Salary:$ 186,310.96
Average Salary:$ 75,127.51
Minimum Salary:$ 3,354.23

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 2 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sakal, Tyler J WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 50,527.04
Thies, Ryan G WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 42,998.96
Groff, Cara H WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 30,798.16
Bormann, William I WL - Security & Polic Temporary $ 27,546.75
Lee Chip Sao, Keanu WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 19,105.42
Kasyan, Walter A WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 17,068.44
Hopkins, Jefferson M WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 6,829.88
Arnold, Kerry D WL - Security & Polic Professional $ 3,354.23

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Riehm, Gretchen WL - Security Temporary
Berry, WL - Throckmorton-Purdue Clin Res or NonTT
Beyer, FW - Educational Studies Mgmt/Prof
Biancardi, WL - 4HTM Food Sv Faculty
Wang, Zhaoyuan WL - Industrial and Physi Police Hourly
Biddle, CAL - Chancellor Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Loudon, FW - Mathematics Fire/Police Mgmt
Bogdanov, Simeon WL - Office of the Provos facult
Morrison, Marilyn WL - Ofc of VP for Bsn Sv Clerical
Hickman, Juliet CAL - Department of Biolo Service
Charles, WL - Technical Assistance Continuing Lecturer

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