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Number of people in WL - School of Languages Department: 204
Maximum Salary:$ 166,433.40
Average Salary:$ 33,690.48
Minimum Salary:$ 703.60

Purdue University Salaries for 2016 Page 1 of 7
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Henry, Madeleine M WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 166,433.40
Mancing, Howard WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 128,088.62
Dickson, Keith M WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 125,759.49
Dixon, Paul B WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 120,009.20
Sanchez-Llama, Inigo WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 117,825.83
Rauh, Nicholas K WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 113,742.31
Hart, Patricia WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 113,397.16
Fukada, Atsushi WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 109,501.92
William, Jennifer M WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 108,963.54
No, Song I WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 107,721.71
Hatasa, Kazumi WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 100,105.07
Sundquist, John D WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 99,772.14
Idrissi Alami, Ahmed WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 99,539.64
Wood, Allen G WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 98,733.39
Stinchcomb, Dawn F WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 95,287.87
Veldwachter, Germina N WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 88,345.67
Kim, Yonsoo WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 88,103.73
Cuza-Blanco, Alejandro WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 86,570.79
Olson, Daniel J WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 84,918.66
Leverage, Paula E WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 83,296.81
Brown, Becky A WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 82,457.64
Allert, Beate I WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 82,044.03
Lawton, Benjamin R WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 81,128.75
Turco, Jeffrey WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 81,097.06
Coda, Elena WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,795.24
Stephenson, Marcia C WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,655.45
Broden, Thomas F WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,499.32
Neary-Sundquist, Colleen A WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,481.14
Wei, Mariko M WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 79,135.61
Shay, Robin A WL - School of Languages Continuing Lecturer $ 76,177.09

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Blackstock, Stephanie NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Police Hourly

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