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Number of people in WL - SPS Department: 81
Maximum Salary:$ 221,343.40
Average Salary:$ 57,782.71
Minimum Salary:$ 1,730.40

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 3 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McQueary, Ashley M WL - SPS Management $ 46,865.71
Millen, Christy L WL - SPS Professional $ 46,095.68
Powers, Kimberly A WL - SPS Professional $ 45,892.56
Mariga, Michelle L WL - SPS Professional $ 45,799.68
Zhang, Wei WL - SPS Professional $ 45,769.44
Mellady, Cori J WL - SPS Professional $ 45,767.28
Robertson, Bobbie J WL - SPS Professional $ 45,762.96
Kerkhoff, Michelle L WL - SPS Professional $ 44,791.68
Perkins, Kimberly K WL - SPS Professional $ 41,783.16
Colegrove, April N WL - SPS Professional $ 41,765.52
Gregory, Traci WL - SPS Support $ 41,675.56
Hart, Dawn M WL - SPS Professional $ 34,878.44
Franks, Sharon M WL - SPS Professional $ 33,576.72
Swank, Melinda E WL - SPS Support $ 30,037.44
Nelson, Cathy J WL - SPS Support $ 29,140.49
Winter, Hannah R WL - SPS Support $ 28,745.52
Chan, Chor Ling WL - SPS Support $ 26,943.93
Senesac, Darcy L WL - SPS Professional $ 6,838.03
Goffinet, Ruthann WL - SPS Support $ 6,216.21
Lande, Kathryn P WL - SPS Professional $ 5,970.78
King, Robert L WL - SPS Support $ 1,730.40

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