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Number of people in WL - SPS Department: 81
Maximum Salary:$ 221,343.40
Average Salary:$ 57,782.71
Minimum Salary:$ 1,730.40

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sandel, Ken L WL - SPS M/P Management $ 221,343.40
Willis, Stephanie J WL - SPS M/P Management $ 109,728.72
Wargo, Kyle WL - SPS M/P Management $ 104,850.48
Hamaker, Amanda K WL - SPS M/P Management $ 100,755.60
Corwin, Susan M WL - SPS M/P Management $ 95,768.04
Gray, Laura L WL - SPS M/P Management $ 90,931.58
Wright, Thomas B WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 86,673.36
Jang, Julie K WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 86,456.28
Geswein, Susan D WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 85,965.36
Reed, Daniel J WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 85,526.14
Siemers, Jenny L WL - SPS M/P Management $ 82,436.04
Gascho, Kimberley E WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 77,584.44
Toro, Heather D WL - SPS M/P Management $ 75,698.04
Bryant, Randy L WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 74,755.32
Vi-Zook, Kim WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 71,811.60
Brown-House, Sylvia WL - SPS Professional $ 71,534.52
Urcuioli, Nicholas J WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 70,360.32
Payne, Suzanne K WL - SPS M/P Management $ 69,401.76
Spall, Jason E WL - SPS M/P Management $ 67,614.12
Varma, Meghna A WL - SPS Professional $ 67,487.36
White, Rebecca L WL - SPS M/P Management $ 66,329.87
Scott, Bryan K WL - SPS M/P Management $ 63,578.16
Vainowski, Amanda L WL - SPS Professional $ 62,163.48
Peabody, Lindsey C WL - SPS M/P Management $ 61,785.12
Davenport, Morgan R WL - SPS Professional $ 60,548.16
Bryant, Renda L WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,550.96
Skidmore, Cathy A WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,446.08
Presutti, Tod A WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,446.08
Winger, Jennifer M WL - SPS Professional $ 59,400.00
Garrity, Susan WL - SPS M/P Professional $ 59,354.88

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Landorf, Sherrill WL - 4SIS M/P Management

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