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Number of people in WL - Quantitative Methods Department: 12
Maximum Salary:$ 374,586.00
Average Salary:$ 172,390.20
Minimum Salary:$ 70,090.57

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Tawarmalani, Mohit WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 374,586.00
Plante, Robert D WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 266,512.74
Nguyen, Thanh T WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 254,412.81
Li, Yanjun WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 222,326.57
Tang, Jen WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 170,336.42
Lanham, Matthew A WL - Quantitative Methods Clinical/Research $ 146,151.15
Alexander, Arthur A WL - Quantitative Methods Continuing Lecturer $ 138,552.70
Sun, Wei WL - Quantitative Methods Faculty $ 130,189.72
Zhu, Zhiwei WL - Quantitative Methods Clinical/Research $ 111,508.64
Evans, Gary W WL - Quantitative Methods Continuing Lecturer $ 111,441.37
Haksoz, Cagri WL - Quantitative Methods Visiting Faculty $ 72,573.70
Tao, Zhi WL - Quantitative Methods Visiting Faculty $ 70,090.57

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