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Number of people in WL - Office of VP for Inf Department: 10
Maximum Salary:$ 302,011.80
Average Salary:$ 64,887.52
Minimum Salary:$ 460.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2013 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McCartney, William G WL - Office of VP for Inf Mgmt/Prof $ 302,011.80
Hancock, Diana L WL - Office of VP for Inf Mgmt/Prof $ 95,971.98
Hillman, Rita F WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 53,725.42
Penrod, Candy F WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 38,177.40
Jones, Bobbie S WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 37,671.03
Maxson, Jennifer L WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 35,692.32
Sledd, Anna B WL - Office of VP for Inf Clerical $ 34,344.71
Howe, Kelley A WL - Office of VP for Inf Clerical $ 29,433.62
Decker, Darcy L WL - Office of VP for Inf Clerical $ 21,386.95
Nelson, Sherry A WL - Office of VP for Inf Clerical $ 460.00

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Ohlinger, Donald WL - University Press Temporary
Hosseini, Mahdi WL - Machine Shop Rchg Mgmt/Prof
Hanawalt, Douglas NC - Student Counseling Student
Beasley, Jonathan CAL - Graduate School Adm Limited Term Lect
Brooks, CAL - 1InstAdv Service
Frigo, WL - Purdue Systems Secur Non-exempt Prof
Myers, Vance WL - Biomedical Engineeri Clerical

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