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Number of people in WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Department: 16
Maximum Salary:$ 231,873.48
Average Salary:$ 74,618.39
Minimum Salary:$ 1,416.48

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Rollock, Alysa C WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Executive $ 231,873.48
Trice, Deborah B WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & M/P Professional $ 154,715.16
Wright, Christina A WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & M/P Management $ 120,906.00
Teets, Jessica E WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 70,223.88
Able, Aubrey E WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & M/P Professional $ 68,285.47
Keaton, Chelsea C WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 65,831.72
Peterson, Erica M WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 63,907.45
Amberger, Jacob L WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 63,391.20
Wynkoop, Ryan D WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 61,665.36
Devine, Barbara J WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 57,374.76
Dobyns Gross, Dawn M WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 57,019.32
Chen, Chaoran WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 56,782.69
Parthun, Christopher M WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 42,931.96
Freeland, Whitney A WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Support $ 41,455.60
Girton, Cecile WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Support $ 36,113.64
Trowbridge, Mark A WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 1,416.48

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