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Number of people in WL - Mathematics Department: 133
Maximum Salary:$ 216,996.04
Average Salary:$ 83,826.63
Minimum Salary:$ 85.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 5
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Banuelos, Rodrigo WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 216,996.04
Shahidi, Freydoon WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 212,488.44
Eremenko, Alexandre WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 210,275.84
Ulrich, Bernd WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 188,972.26
Lempert, Laszlo WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 181,885.69
Shen, Jie WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 172,822.55
Gabrielov, Andrei WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 170,878.56
Buzzard, Gregery T WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 169,509.18
Dadarlat, Marius D WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 167,567.33
Basu, Saugata WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 163,559.99
McClure, James E WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 162,039.34
Bauman, Patricia E WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 157,494.38
Lipshitz, Leonard M WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 156,617.94
Phillips, Daniel WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 155,863.55
Yeung, Sai K WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 154,936.34
Danielli-Garofalo, Donatella WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 154,614.07
Toms, Andrew S WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 149,628.58
Wang, Changyou WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 149,232.11
Lucier, Bradley J WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 148,699.19
De Hoop, Maarten V WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 148,241.64
Stefanov, Plamen D WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 146,688.00
Bell, Steven R WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 145,407.32
Penney, Richard C WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 140,488.64
Donnelly, Harold G WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 136,513.76
Baudoin, Fabrice WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 134,641.14
Walther, Hans U WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 134,419.21
Feng, Zhilan J WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 134,207.85
de Branges de Bourcia, Louis WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 134,133.66
Dong, Suchuan WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 130,418.96
Goldberg, David WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 130,155.31

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