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Number of people in WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Department: 9
Maximum Salary:$ 56,067.09
Average Salary:$ 38,774.01
Minimum Salary:$ 19,708.94

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hilt, Rita J WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 56,067.09
Lum, Lynda W WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 50,017.18
Ishikawa, Eileen V WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 41,769.54
Mullins, Emily G WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 40,967.42
Wallace, Shannon L WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 37,561.80
Taylor, Addison N WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 37,132.80
McLaughlin, Carolyn WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 36,138.56
Balser, Amy M WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 29,602.79
Whitaker, Amber M WL - Lg. Animal Medicine Service $ 19,708.94

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