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Number of people in WL - IT Customer Relation Department: 127
Maximum Salary:$ 171,811.92
Average Salary:$ 45,345.52
Minimum Salary:$ 25.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 1 of 5
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kercher-Updike, Julie D WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 171,811.92
Eddy, Yvonne M WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 102,180.84
Snethen, Dwight D WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 101,862.90
Rantz, Gary F WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 98,133.96
Reed, Byron D WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 90,448.08
Trimble, Scott R WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 80,453.70
Knobloch, Philip G WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 77,856.00
Lange, Timothy M WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 77,771.58
French, Larry WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 74,442.24
Kayser, Paula J WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 73,466.58
Hawkins, Diane E WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 71,534.25
Went, David D WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 71,108.22
Dunn, Edward J WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 70,491.64
Brown, Michael A WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 69,775.74
Steinmetz, Barbra B WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 69,774.66
Peart, Bradley M WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 69,540.30
Fritz, Angela L WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 69,011.70
Mezo, Paula D WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 68,076.18
Kline, Greg N WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 67,128.00
McKinney, Gregory D WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 66,104.04
Glick, Jennifer L WL - IT Customer Relation Operations/Technical $ 65,907.68
Cumberland, Robert R WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 65,576.40
Shafer-Rater, Deanna L WL - IT Customer Relation Mgmt/Prof $ 64,779.60
Doty, Robert J WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 64,342.16
Snyder, Curtis A WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 63,756.18
Padgett, Mark L WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 62,819.22
Johnson, Thomas E WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 61,968.90
Bishop, Barton S WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 61,414.50
Pitty, Marcia A WL - IT Customer Relation Operations/Technical $ 60,263.94
Maxwell, Murray W WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 59,494.62

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