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Number of people in WL - Housing and Food Ser Department: 11
Maximum Salary:$ 179,883.12
Average Salary:$ 62,318.76
Minimum Salary:$ 9,649.02

Purdue University Salaries for 2013 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McCuskey, Beth M WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 179,883.12
Maurer, Kevin R WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 81,781.08
Mapes, Kenneth WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 76,451.80
Fawbush, Danielle A WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 64,607.82
Houston, Carol R WL - Housing and Food Ser Mgmt/Prof $ 60,521.12
Hullinger, Lori S WL - Housing and Food Ser Operations/Technical $ 50,701.03
Cruz, Wilfrido WL - Housing and Food Ser Admin/Prof $ 49,857.42
Perkins, Jackelyn M WL - Housing and Food Ser Admin/Prof $ 47,836.62
Wetli, Jennifer L WL - Housing and Food Ser Operations/Technical $ 32,613.09
Hedrick, Andrea J WL - Housing and Food Ser Clerical $ 31,604.27
Watson, Matthew R WL - Housing and Food Ser Admin/Prof $ 9,649.02

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