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Number of people in WL - Hilltop Apartments Department: 78
Maximum Salary:$ 54,699.06
Average Salary:$ 7,903.59
Minimum Salary:$ 620.80

Purdue University Salaries for 2016 Page 3 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 1,535.49
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 1,510.49
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 1,391.14
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 1,332.76
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 1,189.64
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 1,132.24
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 1,060.11
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 1,001.60
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 924.31
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 819.00
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 785.40
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 785.40
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 785.40
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 785.40
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 785.40
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Residence Hall Couns $ 725.09
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 670.50
, WL - Hilltop Apartments Student $ 620.80

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