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Number of people in WL - Grounds Department: 87
Maximum Salary:$ 93,018.18
Average Salary:$ 30,012.30
Minimum Salary:$ 519.84

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Evans, Gary WL - Grounds Mgmt/Prof $ 93,018.18
Helmkamp, J S WL - Grounds Admin/Prof $ 66,327.84
Richey, Philip L WL - Grounds Admin/Prof $ 66,006.24
Freels, Timothy M WL - Grounds Service $ 52,938.57
Detzner, Timothy E WL - Grounds Service $ 50,645.68
Carmony, H W WL - Grounds Service $ 48,184.46
Drake, Randy D WL - Grounds Service $ 46,438.12
Fell, Mark S WL - Grounds Service $ 45,180.68
Lambirth, Harold P WL - Grounds Service $ 44,650.53
Millburg, Carl G WL - Grounds Service $ 43,547.90
Woolard, Jeffrey A WL - Grounds Service $ 41,767.87
Riley, Merry K WL - Grounds Service $ 41,530.50
Hale, Michael S WL - Grounds Service $ 40,764.43
Winger, Daniel B WL - Grounds Service $ 40,041.38
Snow, Richard L WL - Grounds Service $ 39,831.97
Alkire, Catherine J WL - Grounds Service $ 39,100.05
Bryan, J M WL - Grounds Service $ 39,016.40
Erwin, Steven J WL - Grounds Service $ 38,233.42
Sharp, Alvin T WL - Grounds Service $ 38,233.03
McGrew, Curtis W WL - Grounds Service $ 37,506.73
Knowles, Mike P WL - Grounds Service $ 37,413.58
Kilgour, Jason S WL - Grounds Service $ 37,287.58
Ward, Richard J WL - Grounds Service $ 37,030.96
Clawson, Brian A WL - Grounds Service $ 36,952.28
Koenig, Karl J WL - Grounds Service $ 36,892.04
O'Maley, James C WL - Grounds Service $ 36,115.23
Lumley, Gordon K WL - Grounds Service $ 36,082.25
Ingram, Hazen M WL - Grounds Service $ 35,818.45
Coffman, Joseph A WL - Grounds Service $ 35,631.29
Leyva, Abelina WL - Grounds Service $ 35,553.33

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Crain, Lisa WL - Veterinary Clinical Clerical
Kelso, Alice Wl Service
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Wolber, CAL - Quantitative Busine Support
Clendenning, Mary NC - Stores and Service Ope Student
Weidemeier, CAL - Accounting and Budg Temporary Cler/Serv
Weber, Michael WL - IT Teaching and Learni Limited Term Lect

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