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Number of people in WL - Food Stores Department: 9
Maximum Salary:$ 71,511.48
Average Salary:$ 53,500.48
Minimum Salary:$ 32,449.61

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hardy, Dave G WL - Food Stores Professional $ 71,511.48
Kepner, Michael A WL - Food Stores Professional $ 71,301.00
Snyder, Misty M WL - Food Stores M/P Management $ 62,266.44
Warf, Mary-Ann WL - Food Stores Service $ 62,038.42
Nicholls, Kimberly A WL - Food Stores Professional $ 56,843.88
Miller, Marion WL - Food Stores Professional $ 55,350.00
Estes, Bradford D WL - Food Stores Service $ 35,455.69
Scott, Vivian A WL - Food Stores Support $ 34,287.76
Masters, Brenda S WL - Food Stores Service $ 32,449.61

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