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Number of people in WL - Eng. Education Department: 82
Maximum Salary:$ 262,044.75
Average Salary:$ 69,819.49
Minimum Salary:$ 145.28

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 3 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Quirk, Carlene C WL - Eng. Education Support $ 33,731.93
Stinson, Shelby L WL - Eng. Education Support $ 33,219.58
Rodriguez-Mejia, Fredy R WL - Eng. Education Post Doc $ 32,200.68
Stewart, Stephen R WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 31,594.83
Wang, Yanbing WL - Eng. Education Post Doc $ 29,397.51
Hairston, Ryan K WL - Eng. Education Support $ 28,356.69
Kozan, Kadir WL - Eng. Education Post Doc $ 18,176.44
Warner, Dennis E WL - Eng. Education Visiting Faculty $ 17,528.67
Jones, Kayla M WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 15,301.77
Ehsan, Hoda WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,770.19
Colquitt, Donovan WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 14,765.42
Kulkarni, Stephanie A WL - Eng. Education Visiting Faculty $ 14,121.34
Lyon, Joseph A WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 8,869.00
Cho, Hui Sun WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 6,501.76
Beebe, Chanel M WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 6,443.00
Clements, Herman R WL - Eng. Education Temporary $ 5,239.95
Thornton, Esther A WL - Eng. Education Temporary $ 5,035.00
Ehrlich, Sarah A WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 4,921.49
Quiles-Ramos, Stephanie M WL - Eng. Education Temporary $ 1,601.75
Johnson, Beata N WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 960.00
Lin, Athena WL - Eng. Education Fellowship Pre Doc $ 175.38
Madhavan, Krishna WL - Eng. Education Faculty $ 145.28

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