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Number of people in WL - Employee Relations Department: 18
Maximum Salary:$ 150,136.24
Average Salary:$ 65,464.51
Minimum Salary:$ 11,414.75

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Boyle, Amy E WL - Employee Relations M/P Management $ 150,136.24
Scheffee, Adam C WL - Employee Relations M/P Professional $ 117,559.44
Williams, Sharon S WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 97,745.20
Jansen, Michelle R WL - Employee Relations M/P Management $ 90,076.20
Prochno, Katherine A WL - Employee Relations M/P Professional $ 72,756.88
Jones, David A WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 72,192.48
Beaver, Janice F WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 64,327.20
Brose, Laura K WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 64,283.96
Schroeder, Lisa M WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 60,320.24
Ratcliff, Lauren A WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 58,191.84
Sailors, Justine M WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 55,145.76
Jordan, Jessica L WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 54,787.20
Tomamichel, Catrina L WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 48,883.08
Wade, Matthew C WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 45,396.96
Brown, Bryan M WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 38,819.38
Erdman, Sheryl L WL - Employee Relations Support $ 38,320.78
Rohler, Teresa A WL - Employee Relations Support $ 38,003.60
Kerr, Gina A WL - Employee Relations Professional $ 11,414.75

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