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Number of people in WL - Dept. of Economics Department: 36
Maximum Salary:$ 369,380.92
Average Salary:$ 172,465.29
Minimum Salary:$ 625.53

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cason, Timothy N WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 369,380.92
Tobias, Justin L WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 334,008.63
Moore, Timothy J WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 256,231.36
Prowse, Victoria L WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 254,537.66
Mumford, Kevin WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 253,783.50
Gill, David WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 245,987.10
Siebert, Ralph B WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 242,837.87
Chan, Chi C WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 232,246.74
Roberson, Brian A WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 211,978.09
Barron, John M WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 204,715.37
Bond, Timothy N WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 203,448.11
Soderbery, Anson WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 193,811.13
Martin, Stephen WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 193,435.79
Xiang, Chong WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 192,784.61
Bao, Yong WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 189,146.30
Blanchard, Kelly H WL - Dept. of Economics Continuing Lecturer $ 188,548.22
Kejriwal, Mohitosh WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 176,494.97
Zhang, Cathy M WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 175,730.10
Carr, Jillian B WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 164,426.03
Rosokha, Yaroslav WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 162,134.80
Raymond, Collin WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 155,635.06
Calford, Evan M WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 153,288.86
Farrokhi, Farid WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 152,162.07
Mazur, Lawrence J WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 151,760.68
Na, Seunghoon WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 151,425.53
Umbeck, John R WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 150,300.39
Gallen, Trevor S WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 145,827.32
Sarzosa, Miguel A WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 136,241.99
Holland, Robert L WL - Dept. of Economics Continuing Lecturer $ 123,467.28
Vargas, Andres J WL - Dept. of Economics Continuing Lecturer $ 112,602.30

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NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
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Zafar, WL - Black Cultural Cente Post Doc
Fox, Lorraine FW - Grounds Limited Term Lect
Bogan, William WL - SATT Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Harrison, Marietta WL - Mechanical Engineeri Continuing Lecturer
Morgan, Diane WL - Woodland Management Temporary Cler/Serv
Chakravarty, Sugato CAL - 1CLAS Service

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