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Number of people in WL - Department of Health Department: 46
Maximum Salary:$ 196,952.05
Average Salary:$ 50,433.92
Minimum Salary:$ 40.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Zelaznik, Howard N WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 196,952.05
Templin, Thomas J WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 181,474.08
Gavin, Timothy P WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 164,310.70
Harper, William A WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 117,851.04
Black, David R WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 111,872.93
Blankenship, Bonnie T WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 109,833.83
Leverenz, Larry J WL - Department of Health Clin Res or NonTT $ 106,369.34
Snyder, Frank J WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 93,908.55
Sedlock, Darlene A WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 91,302.80
Hyner, Gerald C WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 89,179.84
Rietdyk, Shirley WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 84,213.82
Klenosky, David B WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 81,698.89
Haddad, Jeffrey M WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 79,202.37
McDonough, Meghan H WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 78,469.52
Yahiro, Lane M WL - Department of Health Clin Res or NonTT $ 72,988.44
Claxton, Laura J WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 68,615.74
Valencic, Tarra L WL - Department of Health Clin Res or NonTT $ 62,106.92
Lyle, Roseann M WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 61,873.19
Dehaven, Carole B WL - Department of Health Continuing Lecturer $ 48,965.08
Bailey, Kelley C WL - Department of Health Continuing Lecturer $ 44,826.98
Tesini Roseguini, Bruno WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 44,422.83
Laswell, Jon T WL - Department of Health Admin/Prof $ 42,233.46
Scott, Michelle J WL - Department of Health Operations/Technical $ 39,023.39
Wiedman, Douglas L WL - Department of Health Continuing Lecturer $ 37,421.29
Ruiz, Yumary WL - Department of Health Faculty $ 35,033.78
Nie, Yaohui WL - Department of Health Post Doc Intern Res $ 34,138.70
McEwen, Joy C WL - Department of Health Limited Term Lect $ 23,990.06
Miller, Dennis A WL - Department of Health Continuing Lecturer $ 23,514.75
Martin, Marcia K WL - Department of Health Clerical $ 19,908.45
Eagan, Marianne S WL - Department of Health Operations/Technical $ 16,476.75

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Meska, Jennifer Wl Limited Term Lecture
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Huffman, Amy CAL - 1FitRecInt Clerical
Altman, Ryan WL - Heat and Power Adminis Operations/Technical
Bassett, CAL - University Library Clinical/Research

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