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Number of people in WL - Communications Department: 86
Maximum Salary:$ 202,008.84
Average Salary:$ 63,886.36
Minimum Salary:$ 3,755.03

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mattson, Marifran WL - Communications Faculty $ 202,008.84
Sypher, Howard E WL - Communications Faculty $ 178,271.55
Roberts, Felicia D WL - Communications Faculty $ 172,018.64
Collins, William B WL - Communications Clinical/Research $ 167,344.33
Sparks, Glenn G WL - Communications Faculty $ 156,820.72
Connaughton, Stacey L WL - Communications Faculty $ 152,650.50
Boyd, Joshua E WL - Communications Faculty $ 138,490.51
Reimer, Torsten O WL - Communications Faculty $ 132,904.68
Perrault, Evan K WL - Communications Faculty $ 121,105.50
Clair, Robin P WL - Communications Faculty $ 116,498.81
Hall, Jennifer M WL - Communications Continuing Lecturer $ 105,912.61
Doebele, Constance J WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 105,846.12
Webb, Ralph WL - Communications Faculty $ 105,522.98
Osman, Douglas C WL - Communications Clinical/Research $ 103,239.03
Ju, Ilwoo WL - Communications Faculty $ 102,066.56
Hoewe, Jennifer E WL - Communications Faculty $ 100,825.63
Lee, Seung Yoon WL - Communications Faculty $ 100,729.21
Buhrmester, Denise M WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 98,081.16
Natt, Jane G WL - Communications Clinical/Research $ 91,032.86
Foote, Jeremy D WL - Communications Faculty $ 89,722.87
Zulli, Diana G WL - Communications Faculty $ 88,029.06
Sherrick, Brett I WL - Communications Faculty $ 87,433.60
Song, Hwanseok WL - Communications Faculty $ 87,218.29
Greene, John O WL - Communications Faculty $ 83,391.54
DeAztlan, Tonantzin WL - Communications Clinical/Research $ 83,079.40
Doerr, Kevin R WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 81,223.44
Davenport, Debra B WL - Communications Continuing Lecturer $ 79,507.91
Frazier, Wright S WL - Communications M/P Professional $ 75,932.88
Buehler, Emily M WL - Communications Faculty $ 75,818.10
Charles, Matthew H WL - Communications Continuing Lecturer $ 75,226.16

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Christmas, NC - Information Services Limited Term Lecture
Kania, Deanna WL - 4EnergyandUtil Temporary Cler/Serv

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