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Number of people in WL - Com Mfg Department: 18
Maximum Salary:$ 125,865.54
Average Salary:$ 60,471.74
Minimum Salary:$ 6,348.75

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dick, William A WL - Com Mfg & Sim C M/P Professional $ 125,865.54
Bogdanor, Michael J WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 108,045.06
Favaloro, Anthony J WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Post Doc $ 90,061.20
Denos, Benjamin R WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 81,373.69
Cutting, Rebecca A WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 80,467.24
Schmid, Andreas WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 76,506.62
Kravchenko, Sergii WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Post Doc $ 75,068.04
Applegate, William G WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 71,365.40
Barocio Vaca, Eduardo WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Post Doc $ 68,478.68
Sommer, Drew E WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Post Doc $ 65,034.32
Dustin, Joshua S WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 60,651.00
Cowden, Christine M WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 53,224.05
Noerenberg, Catherine L WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Support $ 38,500.44
Sharp, Nathan D WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Professional $ 31,410.61
Agrawal, Himal WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Temporary $ 27,784.61
Mohowitsch, Neal H WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Temporary $ 18,688.00
Cowden, Rodney J WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Temporary $ 9,618.00
McBreairty, Thomas R WL - Com Mfg & Sim C Temporary $ 6,348.75

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Martin, Scott WL - Accounting Services Post Doc Intern Res
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Roeder, Pamela CAL - Graduate School Adm faculty
Crowder, Patricia NC - Student Counseling Continuing Lecturer
Popplewell, Christine NC - Biological Sciences Clerical
Ket, David CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Temporary
Dubec, WL - Student Orgs Admin Limited Term Lecture

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