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Number of people in WL - College of Education Department: 70
Maximum Salary:$ 260,588.04
Average Salary:$ 38,887.15
Minimum Salary:$ 100.06

Purdue University Salaries for 2016 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Santos, Maryann P WL - College of Education Faculty $ 260,588.04
Johnson, Carla J WL - College of Education Faculty $ 183,330.90
Vanfossen, Phillip J WL - College of Education Faculty $ 174,202.28
Lehman, James D WL - College of Education Faculty $ 151,777.20
Reed, Dorothy A WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 131,463.63
Doughty, Teresa T WL - College of Education Faculty $ 95,234.88
Evans, Robert F WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 87,252.18
Jeffries, Jennifer C WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 83,819.58
Frisbie, Richard D WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 81,733.32
Oakes, Teresa J WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 81,578.28
Dimitt, Jane A WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 73,674.78
Eldridge, W M WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 68,817.90
Dietz, Kathryn A WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 60,520.80
Howell, Gregory L WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 52,131.81
George-Friedman, Karen P WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 50,118.00
Cromett, Shawn C WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 49,538.88
Barce, Jennifer W WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 49,034.82
Wilson, Nicole J WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 47,884.86
Neidlinger, Rita J WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 47,669.66
Wiercioch, Edward V WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 47,195.10
King, Christina R WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 47,101.20
Burton, Shelley L WL - College of Education Clerical $ 45,781.34
Schultz, Erin M WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 45,775.98
Lundmark, Matthew J WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 42,831.48
Alcock, Cheryl L WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 42,456.76
Johnson, Carolyn A WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 41,017.56
Avery, Jennifer R WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 40,511.88
Anderson, Joshua R WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 40,439.82
Goodwin Bowman, Amanda N WL - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 39,556.84
Bonwell, Cynthia S WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 38,424.96

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NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jiang, Qing WL - College of Education Admin/Prof
Emilson, WL - Curriculum Clerical
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Probasco, Barbara CAL - Counseling Ctr Temporary Cler/Serv
Spain, WL - Teaching Continuing Lecturer
Yamada, WL - Vet Clinical Science Mgmt/Prof
Liu, Cheng WL - Bldg Construction Ma Operations/Technical
Rhodes, Jeffrey Wl Temporary
Holford, NC - Office of Institutio Faculty
Williams, Shawn WL - 4ITIS Post doc
Rosen, Nicole WL - Building Services Professional

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