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Number of people in WL - CAPS Department: 50
Maximum Salary:$ 161,037.04
Average Salary:$ 46,313.72
Minimum Salary:$ 5,374.12

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Prieto-Welch, Susan L WL - CAPS M/P Management $ 161,037.04
Thompson, John R WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 145,217.92
Reef, Mark S WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 111,962.45
Kittleson, Kyle S WL - CAPS M/P Management $ 92,395.59
Lazarick, Donna L WL - CAPS Professional $ 85,435.51
Troy, Julianna D WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 75,231.72
O'Neall, Andrew E WL - CAPS Professional $ 73,429.02
Walsh, Jennifer O WL - CAPS M/P Management $ 70,223.52
Zaitsoff, Andrew M WL - CAPS Professional $ 62,612.49
Waitkoff, Gregory R WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 61,699.36
Schuerman, Margaretha J WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 61,521.34
Nutten, Theresa M WL - CAPS M/P Professional $ 59,953.72
Wagner, Laura L WL - CAPS Professional $ 59,072.04
Ishoy, Jonathan D WL - CAPS Professional $ 58,048.92
Sprague, Rebecca D WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,636.00
Lehman, Michelle L WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,613.08
Cohen, Natalie H WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,430.56
Dudine, Chase A WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,283.56
Westfall Collier, Karen E WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,217.80
Balcazar, Luis J WL - CAPS Professional $ 57,201.00
Mattern, Jerome L WL - CAPS Professional $ 53,919.46
Schock, Christy L WL - CAPS Support $ 50,232.16
Johnson, Brianna E WL - CAPS Professional $ 48,673.20
Morales, Jennifer D WL - CAPS Professional $ 43,498.80
Peng, Yanqun WL - CAPS Professional $ 41,871.88
Dale, Nora L WL - CAPS Support $ 41,232.78
Boer, Alyssa D WL - CAPS Professional $ 40,674.05
Millburg, Lindsey K WL - CAPS Professional $ 39,301.14
Jordan, Debra E WL - CAPS Support $ 38,231.48
Warfield, Casiana A WL - CAPS Professional $ 37,536.42

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Ivy, Clifton WL - Facilities Operation Continuing Lecturer
Hoag, WL - Chemistry M/P Management
Ivy, Clifton WL - Communications Student
Gillund, CAL - Nursing Clerical
Gore, FW - Special Events Admin/Prof
Gorman, WL - EPICS Limited Term Lecture
Romines, WL - Latino Cultural Cent Temporary Cler/Serv

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