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Number of people in WL - Business Office Scie Department: 10
Maximum Salary:$ 116,169.22
Average Salary:$ 61,160.66
Minimum Salary:$ 44,757.36

Purdue University Salaries for 2017 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Emilson, Tamra S WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 116,169.22
Bell, Mary K WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 71,095.98
Guinn, Melissa J WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 69,028.16
Martin, Leslie A WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 56,283.44
Coghill, Melissa D WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 55,225.58
Schragg, Alicia E WL - Business Office Scie Mgmt/Prof $ 53,021.56
Fluellen, Lucina WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof $ 50,628.12
Cunningham, Kelly A WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof $ 48,218.72
McCormick, Robynne L WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof $ 47,178.50
Arnold, Jessica K WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof $ 44,757.36

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