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Number of people in WL - Building Services - Department: 678
Maximum Salary:$ 86,000.44
Average Salary:$ 21,864.84
Minimum Salary:$ 31.52

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 22 of 23
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Constable, Deborah A WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,510.93
Mattison, Joann L WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,470.65
Brown, Anthony WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,367.98
Jackson, George WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,315.00
Hines, Mariah A WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,311.00
Kingston, Jacob T WL - Building Services - Service $ 2,000.00
Battle, Vincent S WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,988.58
Lucas, Blake L WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,830.00
Poore, Shane A WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,795.00
Wilson, Kathryn E WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,687.68
Morland, Veronica WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,658.00
Kennedy, Jesse M WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,587.23
Abney, Tatyona A WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,496.00
Kavanagh, Sean J WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,338.83
Pool, Hunter J WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,200.39
Lane, Abigail R WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,200.00
Rinehart, Joshua L WL - Building Services - Service $ 1,120.00
Summers, Steven C WL - Building Services - Service $ 960.36
Bobick, Rebecca A WL - Building Services - Service $ 922.43
Alexander, Ariel G WL - Building Services - Service $ 890.00
Harris, Jacqueline a WL - Building Services - Service $ 889.30
Highfield, Michael D WL - Building Services - Service $ 875.21
Patton, Quenterriah J WL - Building Services - Service $ 825.00
Smith, Christopher S WL - Building Services - Service $ 767.33
McDade, Rauland K WL - Building Services - Service $ 693.88
OKane, Ashley m WL - Building Services - Service $ 582.41
Rockett, Carmen M WL - Building Services - Service $ 560.00
Ferry, Andrew J WL - Building Services - Service $ 545.00
Denny, Dustin A WL - Building Services - Service $ 433.68
Huesca, Katilyn R WL - Building Services - Service $ 433.68

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