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Number of people in WL - Black Cultural Cente Department: 9
Maximum Salary:$ 99,784.08
Average Salary:$ 41,221.91
Minimum Salary:$ 4,751.04

Purdue University Salaries for 2011 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thomas, Renee A WL - Black Cultural Cente Mgmt/Prof $ 99,784.08
Caise, William P WL - Black Cultural Cente Mgmt/Prof $ 55,534.74
Harris, Twana A WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof $ 53,624.90
Anderson-Douoning, Jolivette J WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof $ 43,353.42
Crider, Juanita M WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof $ 41,831.40
Sultemeier, Lisa A WL - Black Cultural Cente Clerical $ 30,607.01
Bilal, D Waheedah WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof $ 26,714.88
Bates, Langston C WL - Black Cultural Cente Admin/Prof $ 14,795.76
Fulford, Marques A WL - Black Cultural Cente Temporary Cler/Serv $ 4,751.04

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