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Number of people in WL - Animal Sciences Department: 75
Maximum Salary:$ 219,808.44
Average Salary:$ 73,778.65
Minimum Salary:$ 513.75

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 3 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Baker, Jamie C WL - Animal Sciences Support $ 30,907.02
Cunningham, Kiersti K WL - Animal Sciences Support $ 27,402.61
Song, Tongxing WL - Animal Sciences Post Doc $ 20,894.27
Kpodo, Kouassi R WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 20,408.98
Feldpausch, Julie A WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 18,204.97
Richert, Jacob A WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 16,192.88
Huff, Katelyn K WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 13,920.19
Koser, Stephanie L WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 13,793.20
McConn, Betty R WL - Animal Sciences Post Doc $ 13,157.81
Kelly, Daniel T WL - Animal Sciences Professional $ 11,022.77
Lockyear, Olivia WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 5,827.50
Lemenager, Glenda K WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 1,853.28
Enneking, Stacey A WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 1,048.36
Jensen, Lorri A WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 777.00
Desiree, Karina WL - Animal Sciences Temporary $ 513.75

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Fields, WL - 3rd St Market Mgmt/Prof

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